Lemon Kissed Swiss Chard: Saag Aloo

I love Indian food. The spices, the colors and the 1000 creative variations are making me happy each time. I own a way too many cookbooks, and my husband and I in turn pick which dish to try next.

Currently we are totally in love with Anna Jones “a modern way to eat” and are cooking many of her fantastic dishes. Her Lemon Swiss Chard Aloo is simple, quick and very tasty. The chapatis, which are to be served with it, I did myself. Indian neighbors did teach.They are supposed to be round, but mine come in all shapes:)

Recipe: Saag Aloo (serves 4)

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Saved-my-day Tomato Soup

If i am grumpy, stressed and do not feel like doing anything, not even to cook, my husband comes to rescue me with a huge pot of hot soup. He so turns a horrible day into a great one. The last time he saved my day it was with this mouth-watering tomato – coconut soup inspired by Björn Moschinski’s book “vegan kochen für alle”

Recipe: Tomato – Coconut Soup


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